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Stand barefoot on the earth, and breathe deeply.

‘This is who I am. This is how I stand on the earth.’' A.K

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The Council of Women


a path to reclaim the missing parts, the covered and stolen, lost or misplaced, misused, misunderstood, mishandled and missed all together. 

the soul knows, knows when something is missing, the body responds with sickness, addiction, despair and shut down.

How do we recover parts of ourselves?

Its deep listening, a quiet slumber, a humming growl and hand on heart. 

It's a sisterhood of holding, witnessing and forgiving.

In this six month container of reclamation these parts (bones) that we collect will rekindle the wild parts of you and soulful parts of you.

Inspired by the works of Clarissa Pinkola Estes

​Join a council of women to share stories, paths to wellness, mindfulness, deep reflection, sovereignty, and healing. These bi-monthly online sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours, include monthly topics for self-reflection and at-home self reflective study.
We will explore specific topics using a variety of tools to foster sovereignty, empowerment, self-love, boundaries, inner change and reverence, and a profound awareness of self and our sisters.

During the online sessions you can expect breath-work, somatic movement, topic discussions, writing prompts, and the sharing of stories.

Each month, you will receive the theme of the month and writing prompts to complete weekly. You will also receive audio flies of shorty story, guidance promoter, meditation and breath-work
This is an opportunity to join a community of women where we can do the hard work where we can safely love and share.

Whats included:

29.99 a month 

 bi-monthly live/online1.5 to 2hr. meetings
weekly writing prompts and affirmations/prayer and guided offerings
monthly recorded transformational practice

99.99 a month 
bi-monthly live/online1.5 to 2hr. meetings
weekly writing prompts, affirmations/prayer and guided meditation
monthly recorded transformational breath-work practices.
ONE - one to one meeting to deepen the work

All sessions are recorded but a wholehearted commitment to yourself and the other women who will be coming to hold space for you is required. Please note this is a 6 month commitment and there is no refund once you make that commitment.

Your story is needed HERE!


We the wise women storytellers

You do not require a child to be a mother or initiation to be a wise woman... you need love, some discipline, and your story...

Take Me Somewhere Magical… 

The female wolf uses her intuition to lead the entire pack. If the lead male wolf were to get up and walk east and she did not follow, none of the pack would move. They wait for her sign. 


I love the 'she' wolf. I love that she trusts deep intuition. I feel close to this animal. I love my imagination of her senses, I love the stories I've heard of her. I love how 'she' wolf inspires my story.

Yoga is one of the vehicles I ride to use my imagination. To fully express and therefore to love myself. Classically trained yes but as an individual soul contributing to this human existence, I have my way, as do you, as you have your story, your senses, and intuition.

If your story feels clouded, blocked, or needing inspiration then I am here to work with you, whether that be through yoga asana or heart-provoking practices. 

Join me on a retreat, in a yoga class, on a beach, in a sauna, come and share your story with me, and allow me to help you move rooted into your body and your vision.


"The body is the rocket launcher for the soul." C.P.E  It is indeed made of magic and magic it can make.


What's your story?

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